The SMC group has been using CoolCare3 software since 2014, but they will be the first to admit that they have never fully leveraged the software’s true capabilities – however, their recent move to CoolCare4 has brought both better in-depth usage of the system and greatly improved visibility across the many business elements.
Valuable information and insight on strategic areas of the business that were previously buried beneath layers of paper-based admin are now brought out into the light of day for analysis.
The automated step-by-step enquiry process has empowered the team to keep enquiries moving through the pipeline at an active pace, from inception to conversion, there is full visibility.
Keith Milton – CEO, SMC Group
full enquiry visibility.
Following their recent transition to CoolCare4, Keith was struck by the added control that his admin team had over their enquiry pipeline. Keith cited the upgraded enquiry management ‘module’ as especially helpful; this automated step-by-step process has empowered the team to keep enquiries moving through the pipeline at an active pace, from inception to conversion, there is full visibility at both home and group level. Keith noted that he, as CEO could see in an instant all of the group’s current 14 live enquiries, it was clear to him where each enquiry was up to, the next tasks and who was doing what. He could easily see that 2 enquiries had already been converted to future admissions and when those admissions would take place.

CoolCare4’s Enquiry management ‘module’ ensures all communications with enquirers, potential residents and the staff in the homes are logged in one easily accessible location, reminders and follow-ups are allocated out to staff ensuring valuable that time is spent speaking with prospective residents in a caring and supportive manner rather than wading through forms and paper.
a winning feature set and effective training.
While the SMC Group is already an established and much-valued CoolCare client, it was agreed that it is now time to upgrade from the legacy CoolCare3 system to the modern, online CoolCare4 platform, Keith praised the smooth migration and the team-focused training that was given online via video chat, revealing previously unexplored areas of the CoolCare system to his team. Keith was particularly taken with CoolCare’s attention to detail and noted that every session was delivered by the same highly experienced trainer, this training continuity was invaluable for his staff’s confidence and their learning journey. The content of the training and its delivery was so powerful and effective that the team could instantly put it into practice what they had learnt across the company.
The speed at which the team has been able to adapt to the new system is already impacting the bottom line for the better, with the rota system paying its way within weeks of implementation. I was impressed with the ‘Snap-to-Shift’ functionality that automatically adjusted early and late clock-ins to the shift patterns.
Keith Milton – CEO, SMC Group
Not only does this save on excess pay(or underpay) but it also saves the administration team hours of time in checking that clock-ins marrying up to the budgeted schedule. It has given greater transparency to the entire staffing system, with staff able to access shift information via the CoolCare staff portal, meaning staff who wants to can pick up extra vacant shifts without the need to be called by a manager, not only that staff and can even request their holiday and leave from home.

With rosters being held online and accessible by senior staff CoolCare brought a new level of group visibility over the rostering processes meaning there is now greater control over excess/short-notice labour costs and fewer resources needed to manage staffing levels.
instant reporting.
The ability to instantly report from the system has been crucial in monitoring training and compliance, transforming a previously-resource heavy XLS-based process into a real-time, self-flagging notification board that both home managers and group managers can access at any time, from any location.
save time & money, and improve compliance.
Keith was particularly impressed at the unanticipated opportunities that arose from the migration from CoolCare3 to CoolCare4. The consultative approach taken by the CoolCare Customer support team made an impression by assisting the SMC Group in identifying and remedying time and attendance inconsistencies across the group allowing standardisation of shift patterns, break deductions and pay rules. Facilitated by CoolCare’s innovative use of drop-down menus, data lookups and templates, the task of standardising Group processes and systems has meant that they have saved time and money as well as improved compliance.
Keith commented on CoolCare4’s ability to neatly draw together a care homes multitude of business management tasks and streamline them; Keith also highlighted the difference that the SMC Group were experiencing with their own enhanced use of CoolCare4, commenting that the more functionality the SMC Group used, the greater the efficiencies that the group were experiencing.
Keith underlined CoolCare’s people-centric approach to the CC3- CC4 migration process, especially training and customer support and is resolute in his advocacy of CoolCare4 as a very viable software solution to other care homes’ digital journeys’.