Are you in need of a guide to CQC Regulation 17?
If so, look no further – here at CoolCare, we offer more than just care home administration software. We can also provide the insights our customers need on the wider care sector, which is what’s happening in today’s blog:
What is CQC Regulation 17?
The purpose of CQC Regulation 17 is to ensure care providers have systems and processes in place that help them meet the other requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Regulations 4 to 20A).
To meet regulation 17, care providers “must have effective governance, including assurance and auditing systems or processes”, according to the CQC. These must evaluate, track and steer improvement in the quality and safety of the services offered by the providers.
The aforementioned systems and processes must also evaluate, track and mitigate any potential risks concerning the health, safety and welfare of the service users. It’s the responsibility of care providers to continually assess and refine their governance and auditing practice.
For more in-depth information on what is covered by CQC Regulation 17, you can visit the commission’s webpage.
Why is CQC Regulation 17 Important?
Effective governance, as mandated by CQC Regulation 17, is crucial for care providers to operate responsibly and deliver high-quality services.
Good governance practices maintain and enhance the quality and safety of care services. By implementing robust systems, providers can identify areas for improvement and address any issues that may compromise the wellbeing of their residents.
Moreover, care environments can be inherently risky due to the vulnerability of service users and the complexity of their healthcare needs. Regulation 17 requires care providers to evaluate and mitigate risks effectively, ensuring a safer environment for anyone under their care.

How CoolCare Can Help You Achieve Good Governance
Practising good governance is essential to the continued success of your business. That’s why CoolCare exists – to help you and your team achieve excellence through the support of our easy-to-use administration software.
The CQC will expect you to be able to evidence your systems and processes, which is where we come in. Every digital record produced for your business by CoolCare can be reported on.
Our digital reception feature, for example, integrates seamlessly with your PCS care records, allowing your business to keep track of visitor attendance and gather feedback on any topic using star ratings, smiley faces, or written answers.
Contact a member of our team today to find out more about our care home administration software.
Alternatively, why not check out our recent blog on how embracing CoolCare technology can help your business?